Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Barn Lust

A recent midwest jaunt to North Dakota confirmed something I'd had suspicions of for a while now- I have a serious barn problem. For a native Brooklyn girl, it's kind of funny, but I guess it's a grass-is-greener kind of thing. Seems I'm not the only one- check out this beautiful Dutch barn, a labor of love project for a barn fetishist in northern New York who didn't get a fancy sports car or dye his hair to cope with a mid-life crisis, he got a barn. Circa 1799 Dutch barn is a gorgeous space you can rent to get hitched in, have a dance party in, or just wander through and marvel at the history of an old structure that was built to last. If that's not bucolic enough for you, click through this slideshow of some beautiful Iowa barn quilts, most of 'em from about 50 years back or more. Midwest Living also has a nice barn quilt slideshow.

The Fortune Teller and Phantom Limb

If you don't know who Phantom Limb Co. are just yet, you will. I know them as Jessica Grindstaff and Erik Sanko, two of the most creative, driven, lovely people on the planet. Several years ago their first puppet play opened at the Here Arts Center in Manhattan, and so many people loved the show that it's back to delight even more viewers. It's a creepy moral fairy tale featuring narration by Gavin Friday, music by Erik Sanko and Danny Elfman, and sets designed by Jessica Grindstaff. Up next for Phantom Limb on the left coast is the world premiere of The Composer is Dead, a collaboration with Lemony Snicket. As I mentioned- if you don't know them now, you will.

Since People Are Still Checking Out This Blog

I don't know WHO you are, but SiteMeter tells me you exist, and so, I thought it would be nice to pick up where I left off in February and post the heck out of some fun stuff.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Time is running out for Mystery Google- a wierd, addictive Internet time suck that offers you not search results for your query, but results from the person who searched before you. So- in other words, you will never get what you are looking for. But what you do get is a voyeuristic peek into the etherworld of others, which can be cool. Or wierd, or creepy, or dumb. Betcha can't search just once....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Exploring Antarctica

I am lucky enough to be friends with two of the most creative people on the planet. Jessica Grindstaff and Erik Sanko, collectively known as Phantom Limb, are a husband and wife team who create incredible marionette theater works, inspired by all sorts of things. Their latest project is by far the most ambitious-- a piece about Sir Ernest Shackleton's trans-Antarctic expedition on the ship Endurance. They are currently researching for the project IN ANTARCTICA, and keeping a beautiful visual journal of their journey, re-creating Shackleton's hand-written journals. Please check it out here- it's a work of art in itself.
Their first video clip is , of course, flapping penguins!

the moment you've all been waiting for. from Josh Reisner on Vimeo.