Monday, November 30, 2009

Tea for Two, and Two for Tea

Happy post-Thanksgiving! I know it's all holiday downhill from here, and that's totally fine with me (I'm in possesion of a DIY pre-fab gingerbread house from Ikea, which I plan to decorate a la Domino mag, craftylike. I'm in the spirit! pics to come)
So, that means thinking about gifts, right? Jeez. I spent the weekend caring for my ailing boyfriend who was stricken with a forceful cold. Tea, tea, and more tea were called for, and as I tapped out scoops of tea from Kusmi and Mariage Freres, I realized that some gorgeous tea makes for a beautiful gift. A recent trip to Montreal brought me into the world of Kusmi tea for the first time- hey, if it was good enough for Russian czars, it's good enough for me! And Mariage Freres is a gorgeous tea house in Paris, with amazing packages. I can't think of a better way to give a gift that keeps on giving, looks and tastes delicious, AND lives on, greenly, with containers that can be re-purposed. There are flavors galore, caffeine-free, strong, weak, in between. Something for everyone on your list, in other words.

Oh- and the best part? You can buy it all online, while you sip some tea yourself. If you're feeling particularly sweet, throw in some nice honey, too. We need to support those beekeepers!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Long Live Ruth!

While mourning the loss of Gourmet magazine (especially tough at this time of year) I temporarily forgot about the TV series that Gourmet produced with American Public Television called Adventures with Ruth.
Happy to stumble upon it in my program guide, I've TiVo'd the series and have enjoyed two episodes of former Gourmet Editor-in-Chief Ruth Reichl (rishel) traipsing around Mexico and Seattle, respectively. My friend Martha introduced me to her books a handful of years ago, and I'm getting ready to dive into Tender at the Bone again soon. There's something about the way this woman writes and thinks about food that hits all the right notes.

As I get ready to make my Thanksgiving lineup (brussels sprouts and cauliflower in a creamy gratin topped with breadcrumbs, my friend Justin's mom's biscuits, a fancy lattice topped apple pie, some pumpkin muffins for T-day morning, to name a few menu selections) I'm thinking back to all of the inspiring moments I gleaned from Gourmet- it sounds silly, it was just a magazine. But to me, it was more than that-- it was a place to share my love of food with a group of writers and editors who loved cooking and food just as much as I did (more, of course, they lived and breathed it!). So, I encourage you to find Adventures with Ruth in your local programming and check it out. Her enthusiasm for life's simple pleasures is infectious, and even if we can't look forward to Ruth's musings in our mailbox every month, at least we can enjoy the wonders of the food world along with her on TV. Something to be thankful for.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

If you are of a certain age.....

Than this video should evoke warm and fuzzy feelings. Sesame Street is 40 years old today! And who knew- they pitched the show to major networks like NBC and ABC, who declined it. Ahem-somebody's feelin dumb today, right?

Friday, November 6, 2009

What Is Inspiration?

I just read about this new site from Antropologie called It seems to be an online gallery-type space that explores the idea of inspiration and where it comes from. They've got some heavy hitters answering that question-- director Jane Campion, whose most recent film Bright Star follows the life of poet John Keats, shares some beautiful images from the production of the film, including what a dance card from a cotillion looks like. So beautiful.

Filmmaker-photographer Andrew Zuckerman shares some great films about several things near and dear to his heart, including Chiara Clemente, Bill Withers, and the owners of Buon Italia, a grocer at Chelsea Market. A nice place to click around.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Domino Mourners, Rejoice!

Say hello to Lonny- the new magazine that has the hopes and dreams of Domino mourners everywhere on it's shoulders- no pressure or anything. Former Domino editor Michelle Adams rounded up some alums of the well-loved shelter mag to re-create the magic in an online-only format. While it might seem like a bummer to not have a glossy book to flip through, the consolation is that the features will be way longer- and zoomable details! 20 pages of former Domino ed-in-chief Deborah Needleman's upstate New York home? Ill take it! (Though I'll never forget that she didn't have a hamper for used hand towels in the bathroom at the launch of Domino's design book, held at her Tribeca loft. Even the perfect miss some details every once in a while. whew! )

Hyperlinks will also make shopping from the pages a snap- just click and shop!

Lonny launches this Thursday, Oct 1. Oh happy day.

Monday, September 28, 2009

this is north dakota.

I'm gearing up for a big two week trip out to the midwest with my boyfriend who hails from the great state of North Dakota, and I'm also getting ready to revive, a blog and photo journal that I started on our first trip out there two years ago.

As a city girl who had never been to the Great Plains, nearly everything we saw was new and exciting and slightly weird in a charming country way. I revived it on a second trip last summer for a 125th anniversary celebration of the town of New Rockford (pop. 1400), and I'm excited to revv it up again. It's a great way to keep the trip organized, and to keep everyone back home involved in our pastoral endeavors. This upcoming trip includes a leg that will take us farther west into Montana and Wyoming, including a stay in West Yellowstone to take in the park views. I know that my posts haven't always been personal in nature, it's something I've been resisting for some reason, but I'm giving in now. I'll be linking to the blog here with teaser pictures and videos, but I hope you'll check it out and follow us on our trip. One of the first things I'll be posting about is the grand opening of a shop in town that is advertising 'Live Bait and Gourmet Pocket Pies' in the hometown paper, which we have delivered to our Park Slope home so we can keep ourselves up-to-date on town gossip. Gourmet pocket pies sound pretty good, no? I don't know if they're sweet or savory, or what constitutes 'gourmet' in the middle of North Dakota, but you can bet I'll find out and report back.

PS- that's a pic of yours truly at the wheel of a Ford F1 pickup from the '30's, getting ready to drive down a dusty gravel farm road. No power brakes or steering-- a full body workout.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

It Won't Work. There's No Basket.

Honda has just unveiled what it thinks is the future of commuting- an electric unicycle. They're calling it a 'personal mobility device' intended to target commuters and the elderly. It's basically a Segway scooter that you can sit on, which forges ahead or side-to-side based on your upper body movement. Seems a little too freaky to be practical, and since the battery can only run for an hour before needing to be re-charged, it eliminates some pretty large markets of commuters. Plus- there's no place to hold your stuff! I don't know why that's a sticking point to me, but it is. If the Segway didn't take off like wildfire (though god bless the 'Segs in the City' tour of Washington D.C. best. use. ever.) why would this thing strike gold? It's a freaking Honda for chrissake! Maybe if Daewoo had developed it, I'd feel differently. But I will not commute on a motorized unicycle. Would you?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Your Ad Here

I spent Labor Day weekend in Montreal, where I encountered this woman on the street in the old part of the city, wearing a white spandex unitard with the brand '' all over her. Attention-grabbing, yes. But effective? I'm not sure. The name seems unfortunate- but maybe because I don't speak French. Their website claims that while they understand they are not the inventors of 'human advertising' as they call it (creepy) they ARE protecting their claim as the first human fashion advertising in Montreal, with this language:

"The contents of this page and web site are recorded at waybackmachine. So, if someone claims that he or she is the very first to introduce human fashion advertising in Montreal in a busy public area at a commercial level, he or she will need to provide time-stamped proof of such a claim."
Time-stamped proof. Get it?

If you care to, check out their 'links' page. Proves how innovative they are. Yikes.

Holy Sheep

This video proves that no matter what city folk say, people in the country know how to live it up. Perhaps they get their kicks slightly differently than we do-- but this video proves that there may be no such thing as a 'country bumpkin' any longer. LED lights and sheep- watch the magic unfold.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Our Very Own Man on the Street!

Weather updates, graphic design, videos of cabs on fire- he does it all. Our very own Brian Durniak hit the jackpot today with video of a a cab exploding on 7th avenue at 53rd street here in NYC. It pays to have your camera with you at all times! Video courtesy of Mostly Weather.

CAB BURNING, not sure how it caught fire. Luckily nobody inside.

Friday, August 28, 2009

The American Dream Redux

My boyfriend sent this video to me yesterday, and I didn't watch it immediately. He called me over to his computer last night to view it, and I was hushed and in awe.

I suggest watching that, and then reading the latest installment of Maira Kalman's 'Pursuit of Happiness' illustrated column in the Times (pictured above). Hand in hand, they paint a picture of the things that are blessed about our country, why we need to work hard and have representatives that care about the right things, to keep the good fight going to preserve the integrity of our nation.

The trifecta in my patriotic package today is a more somber, disturbing reminder about why we should take a moment to think about how lucky we are to live here. HBO aired a documentary last week about child migrants traveling to get to America, at any cost, titled Which Way Home.

Heartbreaking and eye-opening, it sheds light on what we appear to be to the outside world- or some of it, at least. If we all worked a little harder to uphold that perception, we'd be headed in the right direction. Aside from the sadness I felt when I heard the teenage kids in the film speak of hoping to be adopted when and if they made it here (adopted?! teenagers? Mexican or Guatamalen teenagers? They have no idea how impossible that dream is), I felt more embarrassed that they were risking their lives to get to a country that is barely holding it together.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Coolest Nerds Around

Nerds are the new cool kids. Actually- let's face it. Nerds have always been the cool kids. is part historical reference slash one-click-shopping for copycats. Very smart, very cool. Not nerdy at all. The lack of header, info, or any other tags is surprisingly refreshing.

Subtle Trickery

At first glance these images all seem to be pretty run-of-the-mill city scenes. But as you scroll down, you'll notice subtle manipulations- just enough to make you smile, or look twice. Photoshop used in small, restrained doses, if you will. Danish photographer Peter Funch is the lensman behind them, his website offers even more intriguing images. My fave is the 'Random Happenings' set.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Since everyone on the planet seems to be thankfully converted to the genius of MadMen, this funny program was probably inevitable. 'MadMenYourself' is a silly web app which lets you build your own MadMen-like character. From Skirt to Suit, you go on to pick a head, nose (they need some help!) outfit & accessories- then you set yourself either in the office of Sterling Cooper, the rolling waves of the Pacific, or the car of the LIRR where the bar is located. Here's what I look like, MadMenized- I over-accessorized, just for fun. Three more days till the downward spiral starts again!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Jimmy Page is God

That declaration comes not from me, but from a stranger who was in the same elevator on the way down to the street after a screening yesterday of the guitar doc "It Might Get Loud" featuring the Edge, Jack White, and Jimmy Page. Music fans everywhere will appreciate the sonic sound (make sure you hit a theater with good sound) and the ruminations of the three very different, but definitely impactful, guitar heros. Here's the trailer- even non guitar geeks will leave feeling inspired and amazed, and, perhaps, ready to rock.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Small Bladders Rejoice!

Is there anything the iPhone can't do? Pictures, video, email, currency conversion. Now it'll even help you know when you can run for more popcorn or hit the restroom during Julie & Julie (sidebar- shouldn't movie theaters totally pump up the concession stands with foie gras and truffled popcorn for that?) with the application. Developer Dan Florio is the mastermind behind the app (there's also a website for the iPhone-less)- he's been hitting opening day shows and taking copious notes so he can cue you at exactly the right time to bolt, ensuring you don't miss key scenes, the best jokes, or Marisa Tomei nude scenes. The upshot is even obvious for theaters, he says, because now the upsell to the 64oz Coke isn't a dealbreaker.
The way it works is pretty neat- you are told how many minutes into the flick you'll get the chance to break, and for how long. Should you miss something important, the app will fill you in- but only if you unscramble the text, preventing the storyline from being revealed unless you request it. Smart. Look out for a Chinese version in late 2009.

They Must Be Theater People

That's the only explanation I can come up with for this video- and I don't mean that in a disparaging way at all; just that the sense of theatrics and entertainment is spot-on. This video is pure fun. This video has been circulating like mad on the web- forgive me if you've seen it three times already. I think it's worth one more viewing.

Monday, August 3, 2009

You ARE What You Eat

Photographer Mark Menjivar spent three years traveling around the US and photgraphing the interiors of people's refrigerators. I'm thinking right now about what a mess mine is- it hasn't been cleaned in forever and it's stuffed with farmers market bounty and ginger beer.. definitely not ready for it's close-up. These shots are all eerily intimate- what can you tell about a person by their fridge?
A lot. Like this guy here- he's NOT a vegetarian. That's a fact.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday DIY

It's the last Friday in July- how did THAT happen? This means we've got a lot of summer partying to do and only a few more weeks to pack it in. I suggest carpe-ing the diem this weekend (since the NY area weekend forecast is HOT and SUNNY) and letting your inner kid have some serious fun. If you're heading out of the city to the beach or the country, why not go back to one of the simplest pleasures summer has to offer- the Slip'N'Slide? No need to buy one (you may find the scale to be not as forgiving as it was when you were a wee one). All you need, per some instructions on the web, are a few tarps and/or heavy duty plastic sheeting from Home Depot, an incline, some water, AND (and this was news to me) a tiny bit of baby shampoo OR baby oil. Hm. A TINY bit, people- don't go nutso. Make it nice and long 10-15 feet- and make sure you set it up on grass or sand, and leave a nice landing area to avoid crashing.

This video is a bit of an artistic spin on the trad Slip'N'Slide, and I don't advocate trying this at home, but the tunes are groovy, and it's pretty freakin funny.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Life in Hazy Technicolor

This weekend brought some pretty scenic moments which were captured via an app on my boyfriend's iPhone called Toy Camera. He's so enamored with it that he's practically ignoring his fancy Leica digital

because the halo/lomo effects of this are so beautiful. Check out our Coney Island beach day- halted by lightning, thunder, and whistles from lifeguards, and a Waverly Root-ish shot of gorgeous bruschetta in a pretty ceramic dish from a Sunday dinner with friends.
Life just looks better in hazy tones, doesn't it?

Monday Weather Update

WAKE UP WEATHER: Rise and shine big apple. 71, hazy air and 90% humidity. What does that spell? SWEATBANDS! It's gonna be a humid, warm week, something we have not really had yet this summer. CRAZY HAIR WARNING IS IN EFFECT thru Friday. FOR TODAY: High 86, chance of an evening t-banger.

Friday, July 24, 2009

You Can't Be Late For This Important Date

The trailer for Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland debuted this week at Comic-Con, and it looks as trippy and fanastic as you'd expect- it's a story that I've always been entranced by, and I'm happy to see it fall back upon hands that appreciate the darkness of the story as well as the whimsy. We'll see how well it lives up to that mid 80's made for TV movie where Sammy Davis Jr. played the stoner caterpillar.

Weather Update

WAKE UP WEATHER: 66 with bright clouds. The sun will be busting out soon so don't leave your shades in the garage. THIS AFTERNOON an occluded front will slip thru the area giving us a chances for t-bangers. WEEKEND CAST: Some like it hot and some sweat when the heat is on. Some feel the heat and decide that they cant go on. Mainly dry and WARM weather for Sat. about 90 for the high. Very humid Sunday.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Flea Market Finds with Fictional Backstories

Ever make up totally fake stories about things, just to entertain yourself, or make things more interesting? Significant Objects, a new website which features creative writing pieces inspired by random flea market finds, strives to take that art to a whole new level. Plus, once you've fallen in love with the object and it's backstory, you can bid on it and make it yours. Ah, the Internet.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


here are some blogs that I'm reading and enjoying, some are old favorites and some are more recent discoveries. charming and transportive, it fills the midwestern wanderlust that is somewhere inside me. my friend Jenny is experimenting with ditching city life this summer and livin it up in a country cabin with nothin but books and her boyfriend for company. Oh- and amazing food. on the flip side of country living, this is the most lush style inspiration site, based in Paris, but pretty much international in it's scope. Fashion can be lifeless and catty, but this site just shows the lovely lightness and color. beautiful things abound- you can totally ignore the fact that it's a wedding site. filled with california-dreamin style images, tips and treats, it's sunshine on the web.

Wierdly enough, I haven't been food-blog browsing much. Because I've been too busy eating, probably. Hope you find something you like here !

Why BUY Chips When You Can MAKE Chips?

Meet the Jiminy Snack King. It's a machine that seems to have a plan to revolutionize the world of potato chip entrepreurs. I don't care so much about that part (but I'm counting the days until one shows up at Franny's Larder or Union Market). I DO care about how amazing it would be to make your own chips in this glorious machine, which seems to be a big brother type operation to your standard popcorn popper. Cool, no? I bought a bag of UTZ Sweet Potato Chips at the grocery store yesterday (try them- YUM) and now i'm thinking that heck, I could be making sweet potato chips all day here, since the machine only has a footprint of about 6 feet or so.......... I'm also picturing plantain chips, onion chips, pepper chips, all kinds of chips! If you are interested in money-making, there's also a nice projected revenue stream chart on the website. You'd have to SELL the chips though, and not eat them, to make that cash. Just FYI.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Those are NOT pizzerias on that map

Those pins are are all sites where development/construction has been officially halted by the Department of Buildings.

There are 362 of them right now, though there are probably more that have not been officially deemed 'stalled'. Think of all the pre-construction deposits! All of the workers who are out of a gig! Of all the loose lumber and rebar and glass open for stealing! Stalled construction sites make for an ugly landscape, dangerous conditions, and bad mojo. Lets hope this recession picks up and peaces out soon. The Times gives us a nifty map and names all the locations, in case you're looking to take a tour.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Weather Update/Crazy Hair Alert

REPORT:72 WITH HAZY SUN. It's going to be deep south hot today with a high around 88. CRAZY HAIR ALERT IN EFFECT + MIAMI SWEAT MACHINE ALERT IN FULL EFFECT. It's not a day to forget to slather on deodorant. T-BANGERS ARE POSSIBLE anytime afternoon...some could pack hail and gusty winds. Throw the old umbrella in your briefcase.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Jack White Takes Over the LES

This storefront on Chrystie street may look unassuming, but come Thursday it's sure to be a mob scene as Jack White of White Stripes/Raconteurs/The Dead Weather/record label Third Man/hubby of Karen Elson sets up a pop up record shop to satisfy the vinyl cravings of NYC's music fans. Expect white faces, stringy hair, and some serious blues chatter- bring your banjo, harmonica or pump organ if you want to get in on the action.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Heavenly Bread

I'd been hearing rumblings about a local breadmaker who was driving people crazy with his focaccia, and FINALLY got my hands on some of it yesterday. I can confirm that the bread from Scratch bakery is, indeed, heaven. You can get your hands on it at Franny's new BKLYN Larder on Flatbush Ave, Toby's Public House on 6th Ave in Park Slope, and the charming Dandelion wine shop on Franklin Ave in Green Point (Friday evenings bring a huge spread and wine tastings to this place- if you're around, it looks bountiful and delicious. And free!)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Architecture-Inspired Ice Cream Sandwiches

In addition to pizza, we seem to be experiencing a coast-to-coast ice cream rennaisance as well. News of the Coolhaus ice cream truck (which would have come in handy in March, when I ventured to the Hollyhock House only to find it closed- ice cream would have softened the blow, for sure) signals an even further dive into the niche market of marketing ice cream. Recent architecture grads Natasha Case and Freya Estreller are the purveyors of ice cream sandwiches inspired by great architects and their work- think Richard Meyer Lemon ice cream in a ginger cookie sandwich & “Mies Vanilla Rohe.”
While they're only on the left coast, it still makes me happy to know that summertime still means simple pleasures like ice cream- even if it now involves algorithms and mitered edges. It's edible art!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Di Fara- The Mystic Pizza

Di Fara pizza in the Midwood section of Brooklyn carries a reputation of mythic proportions- people get that glazed over, dreamy, disconnected look in their eyes as they talk of the legendary artisinal, made one-at-a-time pizzas. For the uninitiated, a glimpse at a local's mourning period of acceptance at being unable to deal with the invasion of 'foodies' at his local pizza joint, from the Times' Diners Journal Blog

And, I promise, NYC pizza guide coming soon!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Condiments Make the World Go Round

It being BBQ season and all, I'm sure condiments are more in the front of your brain than usual. If they're not-well, that's ok too. The Condiment Station, devoted to the the ultimate embellishments for your dogs, burgers, steaks, etc, catalogs the best of the best and offers some quirky history to go along with the tips. This Kewpie mayo looks wierd- but it's almost cute enough to make you forget that mayo is basically liquid fat. Hey- whatever works!

Friday, July 3, 2009

You don't need no stinkin' ice cream maker!

Fresh from the pages of my boyfriend's hometown paper, an interesting recipe for homemade ice cream made in a Ziploc freezer bag. Intriguing, non? All you need is someone who's hearty enough to shake the contents consistently for ten minutes- that's maybe your strength training for the long weekend. The better the ingredients you use, the more delicious the end result will be- this is a case where it's totally worth splurging for organic/high quality ingredients.
Here's the scoop:


Recipe is here.
*Note that the hometown paper includes a note to tape both the sandwich bag and freezer bag closed with duct tape to keep the contents of each from mixing.

** sidenote- while researching rock salt, I came across the origin of the word 'salt'- from the Latin 'salarium', which was the name for a soldier's pay in the army of ancient Rome. The pay included a large ration of salt, which was a spice of high value and also a medium for exchange; thus the origin of such expressions as "salt of the earth" and "worth your salt."

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Before the flash flood, the hipster Kids.

MGMT just did their soundcheck out here in the Slope--the music was traveling into my garden & I decided to walk down and check out the scene. Long line of people waiting to get in- dressed to impress, as they say, all drinking Amped energy drink (doled out for free by smiley people parked in a Ford Cube on Prospect Park West). Funny to see the intersection of nannies and babies and dog walkers and shredded leggings and RayBans. Ah, the gorgeous mosaic of the summer concert series. Van Leeuwen ice cream truck should pull up shortly, have cash ready.

Weather Update/Flash Flood Edition

Though at post time the sun is shining, I don't doubt BD's prophetic abilities. Get your Wellies on!

UPDATE! FLASH FLOOD WATCH IN EFFECT STARTING MIDNIGHT TONIGHT THRU THURSDAY EVENING. A weak low pressure and an associated warm front moving toward the area will spark numerous showers and t-bangers from late tonight into Thursday eve. Some may produce torrential rains. Rainfall of 1-2 inches is possible with higher amounts of 2-4. Look out for rising waters big apple.

What goes with grilled meat? POTATOES!

Summertime grilling need not be limited to just meat- if you flash-cook potatoes (little creamers, new potatoes, any kind, really) until they're soft on the stovetop and then drain well & toss with some olive oil, they'll crisp up on the grill, getting a hint of that smoky flavor from the grates. If you're cooking for veggies, cook the potatoes first!!
Feeling like potato salad? Toss those hot grilled potatoes with a vinaigrette and some thinly sliced red onions and scallions. Who needs mayo?

Mustard Rosemary Vinaigrette
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon fresh rosemary, chopped finely
salt & pepper to taste

use a jar to mix- add all ingredients, seal tightly and shake it up! Be sure to dress the potatoes as soon as they're off the grill- the heat will help them really absorb the flavor. If you're feeling fancy, top with some coarse sea salt. Bon Appetit!

BBQ Fantasy

In the spirit of patriotism and carnivorousness, I thought I'd get you dreaming up some crazy time BBQ stunts with some deluxe BBQ accessories. This week TastingTable wrote about the Smoking Gun, which infuses anything with smoky flavor- just pull the trigger. For the true obsessive, the Talking Meat Thermometer ensures that no matter how far you wander from the grill, you'll be tuned in to the heat of your meat. And if you're thinking of going full out flashy, check out the Grillzebo. Perfect for year-round grilling, it's got a covered heat and smoke-resistent top, rechargable LED lights for grilling under the stars, and enough counter space to make even Bobby Flay green with envy. If none of these fancy pants tools gets you salivating, you can always kick it old school with a chic mini grill and some charcoal briquettes.

Some food for thought (no pun intended): if you've got some serious meat to slap on the grill, resist the urge to marinate and over-season. All you need for perfectly grilled meat is a dash of olive oil (on the meat, not the grill) and a generous sprinkle of salt and pepper,on both sides, of course.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Remember the Walkman?

This week we celebrate the 30th anniversary of one of the greatest musical innovations of our time-the portable/personal music player, the Walkman.
There's an entire generation of kids who have never handled a cassette tape, who don't know the joy of trying to tune in to a static-y tv frequency on their sporty yellow Sony (the one with the hand-grip). This BBC item offers a teen who's never flipped a cassette the chance to ditch his tiny iPod for a monster of metal (were they REALLY that big?) and see what he thinks. Truly funny.

Weather Update- Fireworks Edition

*4TH OF JULY EXPLOSION CAST: I know you are all wondering "Hey, is it going to rain Sat.? Will I get to light off the snakes, smoke bombs and bang-*snaps* I bought?". BIG APPLE, It looks like it's going to be a shadestastic 4th! Highs will be around 82 with mostly sunny skies. Pack up the wagon, get a 30pack and head to the beach...summer only lasts so long.

Monday, June 29, 2009

That Lean of MJ's? Patent Protected!

By far the most intriguing Micheal Jackson factoid I've come across is this tidbit- that gravity-defying 40 degree lean that he made famous in the Smooth Criminal video was made possible by a device that he decided to patent! If you want to keep the magic magical, stop reading here.
How does it work? Holes in the shoes, my friends. A peg inserted in the bottom of the shoe would rise up and offer support as he leaned forward, then retracted when he returned to the upright position. Pretty neat, huh?

Panda Elephants on Parade

Evidently elephants aren't getting enough love in Thailand- where they are the national symbol. In protest of a new $20 million panda house, staff members of the Ayutthaya Elephant Kraal painted the pachyderms like pandas for some attention. The trunks still give them away, in my humble opinion- but they are clearly labeled 'panda' in case there is any confusion.
Imagine being a 4 year old, taken to the zoo to see elephants painted as pandas. Most people need to take psychedelic drugs to go on a trip like that.

Weather Update

GOOD MORNING BIG APPLE! 66, sun and clouds. Today should be a good day with only a slight chance for t-bangers. The high should climb to 85. Looks like this week is going to be like the last few weeks, just a little warmer and maybe a little less wet. Highs each day will be in the 80's with showers and t-bangers each day. CRAZY HAIR ALERT MAY BE NEEDED.

Friday, June 26, 2009

" I Cannot Live Without Books"

This quote is only one of the reasons why Maira Kalman devotes her gorgeous illustrated column And The Pursuit of Happiness on the NYTimes site to Thomas Jefferson- polymath, educator, innovator.
He also wrote something called the Declaration of Independence, which you can probably get on your Kindle, if you are so inclined.

Weather Update- MJ Tribute Edition

WEATHER FLASH! 71F, 79% humidity. It's only HUMAN NATURE to sweat in this weather. Crazy hair alert in full effect! Tonight is going to be OFF THE WALL with a low around 69 so get out there and ENJOY YOURSELF. You can BLAME IT ON THE BOOGIE but tomorrow is going to be one THRILLER of a day featuring a high around 90 and t-banger galore. So big apple, DON'T STOP 'TILL YOU GET ENOUGH.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

What's Blue & White & Striped All Over?

Answer- practically all of New York City. Nauticomania has swept the city, and in the interest of keeping it real, I thought I'd point you toward the truly authentic sailor stripe shirt from Saint James. They've been outfitting French seamen since 1889, and they get it right, every time. The stripes are the perfect weight, spaced just right. And, of course, the boatneck is right-on. So- if you're going for the stripe, keep it authentique. If you can't wait for mail order, Smith & Butler in Carrol Gardens stocks 'em, too.

Weather Update

WEATHER UPDATE! See the clouds out there? You can kiss them goodbye in a couple of hours. Currently 70, with 73% humidity. The high will top out around 83. The humidity will make ya sweat. There is a slight chance of t-bangers tonight. FRIDAY: Heavy duty humidity with a Miami style high of 90. Friday night could feature SEVERE T-BANGERS with gusty winds and hail all thanks to a cold front.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Holy Grail from Domino Magazine

I've been saving this post for a rainy day- and well, that means I should have posted it three weeks ago. When Domino magazine sadly folded, the first thing I did was save all the links from their website 'directory', knowing the site would soon be gone, and then how would I find wallpaper? Or paint color inspiration? Or French Baroque four poster beds?

Well, sweets- I've just published it on the web, links and all. Click away.

Weather Update

WEATHER: GET YOUR SWEATBANDS OUT BECAUSE LIKE THE BUSTER POINDEXTER SONG, IT'S GONNA START FEELING HOT HOT HOT! Thursday should top 85 while Friday melts your soul at 91. CURRENTLY 67 and overcast in Central Park. There is a 70% chance that it will not rain today. The high will be 78. Weekend preview later today.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dance Attack!

The highlight of a recent trip to Los Angeles was the discovery of a choreographer named Ryan Heffington. Dreamy, fun, and mischevious, he's the brain behind a series of guerilla dance performances that have seriously hooked underground Angelenos. Described by the LA Times a a "mad Bob Fosse with a sewing machine" (he also makes the costumes), Heffington is also the teacher of the aptly named Sweaty Sundays dance class- in a studio in hipster-hip Silver Lake, dancers of all levels congregate to literally dance their asses off. I've never had more fun- I returned to New York dreaming of ways to hook up some space here with a streaming video feed and a roomful of sequins and leopard tights. I've got to get on that! In the meantime- enjoy this cinema veritae video of a 'dance attack' outside of a multiplex in LA.

weather update

WEATHER OUTLOOK: CRAZY HAIR ALERT! POLLEN OUTLOOK: LOW FOR TODAY. Currently 67, cloudy, humidity 76%. 20% chance of a shower today with the high around 80.. 10% chance of wearing shades in summer sun today. Dear summer, Please give it your best shot. Thanks.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Water in a Box. Of Course!

It seems shocking that it took this long for such an innovative shift in ideas- we drink milk from cartons, wine from boxes. Why not water? TastingTable tells us about some smarties in Michigan are trying to turn the tide- read more here.

Red Panda Triplets in Fargo

Triplets? Now just picture Frances McDormand saying "yah, you betcha!". These tiny guys were born to the surprise of the Red River zoo in Fargo, ND. They're rare- the last triplets born in the Western Hemisphere 10 years ago. Here's the momma curled up with the tykes- they should be viewable in August.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Coney Island is Not Yet Dead

Nor will it be for a while- you can even roller skate on the boardwalk! Open for a second season, Lola Starr's roller rink is housed in a Deco building right on the boardwalk (there's even a parking lot) just steps from the Parachute Jump and the musclebound men cruising for ladies at Cha Cha's . Weekly themed parties and fun tunes make this an offbeat evening activity- just don't booze before you cruise.
If you go around mid-July, you could stop off at the newly renovated Totonno's for a pie to work off on your skates.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

One Dress, That's All

Every now and then a fashion innovation comes along that sets the press on fire for a second- I'm pretty sure that this dress will be the talk of the town this summer. Called simply the 'One Dress', its a silk knit jersey tube that offers the wearer a million ways to tie it on. If you're a size 6 or a size 16, you can wear one, as it was collectively designed by over 1,000 women, all who have offered input to enhance the design. Seems like a kooky idea, but I think the fact that Angelina Jolie called the designer to order one herself means there's something to it. He reportedly hung up on her-twice. Proceeds of the dress go to aid the U.N.'s refugee effort- a good dress for a good cause.
Get on the wait list now- maybe you'll have yours by Labor day.

You: The Hacker

If you're a technophobe, don't get scared here. The following is a public service announcement intended to help you harness the power of Mozilla Firefox. (If you are reading this using Internet Explorer, please stop. Go to and download the internet browser. Then come back to this post) With these small, easy tweaks, you can ramp up the speed of your internet browsing, among other upgrades. Which comes in handy if you're trying to, say, buy Springsteen tickets online, or something like that. And it really is a hack- so you can say, with full conviction, that you are a 'hacker'. Look at you, getting all techie! Click here for all the tips. Courtesy of

Brooklyn, represent

A band of Brooklyn-based pirate artists, led by a Pippi Longstocking-like artist named Swoon shook up the Venice Biennale by drifting into the city on raftlike boats made from trash culled from New York City streets. They sailed from Slovenia, where they had to rummage for a bit more trash as their container of crap was held up in customs. The Daily Beast has a great slideshow, and Vanessa Grigoriadis covers it in New York Magazine this week.

Color Coordination

Since technology and it's devices have become such a part of our everyday lives, it only seems fitting that you should be able to customize your Kindle, flat screen TV, or mouse in custom color to match your life. While it seems frivolous, just think for a sec about how ugly those Kindles are- really, they're ugly. Now you can get one in hot pink! Or turn that sleek white Macbook into a neon orange beauty. takes care of the whole shebang- you can buy it new from them, or send in your device and they'll swaddle it in color. Seems particularly smart for iPhones; you'll never pick up the wrong on again.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our President Can Kill A Fly

Stealthily and calmly. And while cameras are rolling. For some reason- this says to me we have elected the right man for the job.

weather time

High clouds and sun at all stations. TODAY'S MATCH: Haze and Cloud team up against Sun. Who will win? Only time will tell. FOR TODAY: Partly sunny, high 70. Tonight clouds increasing with a chance of showers after 3am. Watch out night owls.

Monday, June 15, 2009

All Hail the Pantree

If you are anything like me, you nearly lose a finger every time you try to get a pan out of your pantry or cabinet. And you make a ton of noise, and you have to re-arrange all your pots and pans and lids every time you cook. Sigh. This vertical cabinet organizer seems like a genius idea- keeps everything organized, neat, and easy to get to. No more clattering!

weather update

WEATHER FLASH! The sun is out! The beams are hot! The UV is rising like the pulse of a human cannonballer! The sun does not shine often these days so treat your mind and body good by soaking up as much sun beams as you can. The temp is up to a sexy 72, topping out at a sultry 74 sometime soon. sizzzzzzzzzle sticks!43 seconds ago

COOL baby gifts

If you've noticed that nearly every single one of your friends is expecting, you'll need to be thinking about baby gifts soon. Check out Baby Rock Records for a cool gift--these guys take your favorite rock band- say, U2 or Queen or Radiohead, and babifiy the tunes so that little ears can appreciate them. So when babysitting time rolls around, you've got cool music to rock the little babe too, and Mom and Dad will likely tear up as they thank you for saving them from the Backyardigans or Baby Mozart. Because guns don't kill people, people. Baby music kills people.